Texas Woman, 46, Discovers “Game-Changing” Outdoor Lighting Solution For Dark, Dangerous Yard

Vincent Roads  | 

Donna Merkley, 46, never imagined someone would burglarize her home.

As a nurse, she often returned home late. She religiously locked her doors and windows before leaving the house, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to stop something terrible from happening.

One night when Donna came home, she noticed one of her windows had been shattered. After the police arrived, she was saddened to learn her iPad and family jewelry had been stolen.

“I was freaked out,” Donna recalls. “What if I had been home at the time?”

She filed a police report, but had a sinking feeling her items would never be recovered.

“I finally realized how dark and deserted my house looked at night,” Donna said. “Locking my doors clearly wasn’t enough to stop intruders — I needed something more.”
Donna was determined to revamp her home security, and immediately started looking into the usual “solutions.”

“I had no idea how hard it would be,” Donna said. “I looked into professional security systems, but they were way out of my price range. Then I looked at motion detecting lights, but they were either too complicated or didn’t cover enough ground.

Running out of options, Donna faced a tough choice: spend a fortune installing a security system or settle for a dark, risky yard.

But this nurse was about to get her answer across the street… literally.

While out on a sunset walk through the neighborhood, Donna noticed one home suddenly light-up with bright light. The owner, Bart, had just grabbed his mail. She stopped to take a closer look and saw strange, wireless lights illuminating Bart’s entire porch and yard.
Intrigued, Donna flagged him down. “I told him about the break-in and how I’d struggled to find a solution,” she said. “Then I asked him about the weird lights in his yard.”

Suddenly, Bart blurted out: “Of course — check these out.”

He pointed to the porch lights and said they were the brightest, most convenient motion-sensing lights he’d ever used.

Trust me,” said Bart. “If anyone prowls around your home at night, these lights will scare them away, no doubt about it.”

“He wasn’t kidding,” said Donna. “I put up my own lights and they switch-on any time something moves in my front yard. I’ve never felt more secure.”
When Bart stopped by Donna’s house the next day, he noticed the difference right away. “No burglar is gonna take their chances here,” he said, impressed with the quick motion lights.

The box, labeled ‘Guardian Torch MK-II,’ was still on the porch where Donna left it. “I had no idea how they worked, but I was thrilled,” she recalled. “Now I can go to work knowing my house is protected!”

Donna and Bart talked about how much safer they felt in their homes with motion-sensing lights ready to flash intruders with ultra-bright light.

“The best part is,” said Donna. “These lights have a blinking red light installed — it makes it look like these lights are also cameras!”

This High-Tech Device Is The Last Security Light You’ll Ever Need

Guardian Torch MK-II is a state-of-the-art security light with 120° motion detection, adding military-grade protection to your home.

These “smart” LEDs use 100% solar energy, charging during the day and activating at night. If the built-in motion sensors detect even the slightest movement on your property, 11 LEDs instantly blast ultra-bright light — making it a home intruder’s worst nightmare.

Three different lighting modes offer customizable nighttime protection. Plus, Guardian Torch MK-II features a blinking red light that mimics a security camera.

Everything you need is included: simply anchor Guardian Torch MK-II to any porch, fence, wall, or patio that receives sunlight— a process anyone can do in about 15 minutes.

Unlike traditional store-bought motion lights, Guardian Torch MK-II works without wires, plugs, or batteries. And with solar energy, you’ll save hundreds on the electricity bill each month.

With over 16,793 Guardian Torch MK-II’s sold, we had to try it ourselves...

After seeing hundreds of rave reviews from happy customers, we knew we had to test Guardian Torch MK-II ourselves before giving it our official stamp of approval. We ordered 3 boxes (which arrived just days later) and carefully started recording the results.
  1. Vincent Roads
  2. My Review of Guardian Torch MK-II

Week 1

This product first caught my eye after I heard news of break-ins just a few blocks away. I wanted to see if Guardian Torch MK-II was as good at detecting motion as I’d read in the reviews. So, when the boxes arrived, I set the lights along my porch. Unlike other lights I’ve bought from the hardware store, these were very user-friendly.

RESULT: Honestly, I was shocked at how simple it was to anchor these lights — I had them each up in 15 minutes. When it got dark, I stepped outside to bring the garbage cans in and was stunned at how bright the lights were and how fast they flicked-on. If I was a burglar, I think my heart would’ve stopped. So far, so good — let’s see how they hold up.

Week 2

It’s been 8 days since I set-up our Guardian Torch MK-II lights, and my wife and I are loving them. For the next test: my wife’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be, so I had to find out if the lights made a difference when she went outside at night.

RESULT: My wife went to grab something from her car, and told me how the lights came on the second she stepped outside. We have quite a few stairs leading from the front door to the driveway, and she told me the bright lights helped immensely. I’m starting to wonder how we ever functioned without these…

Week 3

After three weeks with these amazing motion lights, I can safely say this was the best purchase I’ve made in a while. As someone who was looking to beef-up my home security, Guardian Torch MK-II has already made us feel so much safer. Compared to some of the other security system options we looked at, this device saved us hundreds of dollars.

NOTE: Guardian Torch MK-II is a convenient motion-sensing LED light that requires no complicated wires, bulbs, or battery replacements. It installs easily and scans 120° for movement. We’re ordering 2 more lights to line our driveway because we love this product that much!


Guardian Torch MK-II shattered my expectations as a homeowner, and I can say it’s worth the hype. I haven’t seen anything on the market this simple, convenient, and effective – it’s seriously a game-changer. If you want to dramatically improve your home’s security and property value, I highly recommend trying Guardian Torch MK-II for yourself.

*Update: * Ever since Guardian Torch MK-II’s first launch, Americans have flocked to buy these groundbreaking motion lights and the company has now sold over 16,000 boxes. With popularity soaring and 5-star reviews pouring in, Guardian Torch MK-II is offering a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee plus a 20% OFF discount when you buy five lights. That means you can get five lights for less than the price of one (while supplies last). Click below to see if inventory is still available.

IMPORTANT: Get Guardian Torch MK-II to ward-off intruders and boost your home’s property value.

This special offer ends: